Questions and Answers Page 5
Q. Any other reasons?
A. Not really, apart from possibly budget issues. Occasionally, someone will ask if we can write a top quality CV for a budget price. Not everyone appreciates that you get what you pay for. In such cases I tend to politely suggest that they go to a budget end provider instead.
Q. Do you actually think it is a good idea that people go to budget end providers?
A. In all honesty no. I think it’s a false economy, and many people who go to a budget end provider end up paying a bit less for something which is nowhere near as good, and which ultimately doesn’t get them what they want. Personally, I think if price is an issue for someone then they are better off saving up for one of our CVs, even if it takes a couple of weeks, rather than paying a bit less for something straight away that isn’t as good.
What a lot of people seem to forget is that they only get one chance of good jobs, so they really need to use the strongest possible CV otherwise they risk missing out on their ideal job.
If they use an inferior service they are effectively playing a game of chance with their own career.
It’s a false economy, and especially when you consider that a successful professional CV can pay for itself time and time again.
Q. Do you really think that your CVs are that much better?
A. Yes, definitely.
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