Marketing Gimmicks

Another thing to look out for is marketing gimmicks. The best companies don’t need to resort to these. The main thing you should be looking for is the best possible CV, not a substandard one, 10% off a cover letter and a free key ring. As enticing as it may sound, a neat key ring and a juicy discount isn’t going to land you that promotion or next big pay rise.

Obviously, it is entirely your choice which company you go with. However, if I had a choice between a professional CV company which advertised extensively using gimmicks, and a company which was busy without resorting to any gimmicks, then I know which one I would choose.

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Paul (182 Posts)

Paul , top UK CV specialist, head of leading firm CV Succeed, and author of the most pioneering CV book in decades, The One Page CV (published by top career sector publishers Pearson Education).

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