PS Tip 84: Job statement
Job statements come in a huge range for formats, from open-ended requests for ‘further information’, to question-and-answer forms with word limits assigned to each section. Whatever you’ve been asked to write, the tips I’ve provided so far are all relevant, and worth considering before you start.
Job applicants are often rather intimidated by the need to write a personal statement as part of their applications, but I would encourage you to look upon it as an opportunity. It may be that you don’t have much experience of writing official documents, but I can guarantee you that the same is also true of the vast majority of other applicants. If you take the time and care to write a concise, powerful personal statement, you can leap ahead of far more experienced and qualified candidates.
I highly recommend you read through all of the tips we’ve provided here, as well as other entries on this blog, as the information and suggestions included will put you in an excellent position to sell yourself effectively to your future employers.
Just be aware that people come to us from all around the world for good reason; A top quality statement not only can boost your chances of success, it usually does.
Make no mistake, a top quality job statement will open doors, whereas an average or even good job statement may well just close them.
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