Category Archives: Articles

Cover Letter Writing Tiрѕ

Over 90% of CVs fаil to secure an interview fоr their оwnеrѕ. In addition to the rejections because of a lасk the right qualifications and achievements etc, thе mаjоritу оf other rеjесtiоnѕ frequently аrе down to poor writing, рооr рrеѕеntаtiоn.

Virgin Trains Holds Recruitment Event at UK Prison

Virgin Trains has announced that it plans to hold recruitment fairs at prisons across the UK in the hope of attracting talented candidates among a group of people that are almost always overlooked. According to the BBC, the company has.

Working From Home May Be Detrimental

In many settings, it has almost become expected that a company offers homeworking opportunities. In fact, a recent article written for Forbes notes that the absence of such an arrangement signifies that a workplace is ‘lagging behind’ in new cultural.