About: Nigel Benson
Nigel Benson is a professional career sector specialist with over 12 years' experience writing executive level CVs and expertise in recruitment, job interviews and training.
Recent Posts by Nigel Benson
Move your CV from looking like a first-time job hunter
The Muse, in 2017, notes that there are “185 Powerful Verbs That Will Make Your Resume Awesome” (https://www.themuse.com/advice/185-powerful-verbs-that-will-make-your-resume-awesome). Of course, it’s a nonsense. Even if any of us had time to wade through 85 let alone 185, how are we.
Difference between a curriculum vitae (CV) and a résumé
A common belief is that the difference between a curriculum vitae (CV) and a résumé (commonly written as resume) is that a CV is used in the UK while a resume is used in the US and occasionally elsewhere globally..
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