PS Tip 74 : Read each word in isolation
As I write this, I already know that most people will not complete this step. It is, however, the single best way of ensuring that your statement is devoid of typing and spelling errors.
I’ve already mentioned that I have some borderline obsessive-compulsive tendencies, and this is perhaps the most obsessive of all. Any time I write something, whether it be an email, article, personal statement, CV or e-book, I read every word in isolation during the editing process. To give you an idea of what that means, the combined length of these tips is over 22,000 words.
Despite my high word counts – I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention it – as a result of this type of meticulous editing I make far, far fewer mistakes than most people, including most professional writers. If you work the same way, you’ll almost certainly reduce the amount of errors you make, which will immediately differentiate you from a great many job/university applicants.
<< Tip 73 Read it out loud