CV Tip 13-24
Tip 13
Once you have a better idea about your target, the next step is to think about your strategy for the CV. And yes you did hear right – strategy!
Tip 14
Think about the employer, and consider what he/she will be looking for in a candidate.
Tip 15
Similarly, think about whether or not the employer has any specific criteria/preconceptions about what they are looking for in a CV.
Tip 16
Most employers won’t mention specific requirements for a CV in their job specification, but some do so just beware. If something specific is mentioned then you should adhere to it. Check the advertisement and/or specification just in case.
Tip 17
For example, on rare occasions employers might ask you to write using a specific CV format, or include certain information on your CV. However, as mentioned most employers don’t do this and give you more of a free reign. In which case, talking of format you should use the most effective format.
Tip 18
Take a look at your CV and assess just how good/bad the format is.
Tip 19
Don’t take a long look at it – you need to put yourself in the employer’s shoes, and do what he/she will do, and sum up your first general impressions within just a few short seconds.
Assess it for 5 or 6 seconds maximum.
Tip 20
Be honest with yourself.
Tip 21
Ask yourself whether it is too long?
Tip 22
Ask yourself whether it is too cluttered?