The missing chapter recovered!

As mentioned in my blog, the publishers decided to omit a whole chapter without even reading it. I thought it would be a waste to just let it sit around on a computer doing nothing, so I have hereby unleashed it on my blog. Hopefully, you will find it useful.
The missing book chapter…

CV Writing Companies
Professional Help
“I recently went to a new doctor and noticed he was located in something called the Professional Building. I felt better right away ~ George Carlin”

Why do people use CV writing companies?

Traditionally people write DIY CVs, but you only get one shot at good jobs and the stronger your CV the better. Given the fact that, just as a professional dentist will probably do a better job of your fillings than you and a Black & Decker, a professional writer will probably make a better job of writing your CV than you could yourself. After all, most people only ever spend a few hours over the course of their whole lifetime writing CVs, so in many cases it is hardly surprising that the quality of the document they produce is not as good as someone who has been writing CVs day in day out for years or even decades. Experience is a valuable commodity in any sector, and CV writing is no exception.

On a related theme many people engage professional CV writers because they know that they are not very good at selling themselves on paper. Even people who are quite good at selling themselves still hire CV writers because they are aware of the competition for jobs and are honest enough with themselves to admit that while they may do a ‘reasonable’ job, ‘reasonable’ may not suffice. Significantly, even career sector professionals such as HR executives and recruiters also use the services of specialist professional CV writers. Indeed, a larger proportion of HR executives are inclined to use the services of professional CV consultants compared the general population as a whole – probably because many HR executives are aware of their own limitations and have seen at first hand the advantages that the better specialist CV writers can provide.

Quality actually varies greatly between CV writing companies, but the difference between a DIY CV and a professional one is usually vast; even the lesser CV writing companies can sometimes make some improvement to someone’s job prospects (while the better CV companies can usually make a huge difference).

Paul (182 Posts)

Paul , top UK CV specialist, head of leading firm CV Succeed, and author of the most pioneering CV book in decades, The One Page CV (published by top career sector publishers Pearson Education).

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