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Sometimes it pays to get objective help from career professionals.
Who is the best person to write a resignation letter?
Most people write their own resignation letter, whilst some people engage a professional to do the job for them.
The advantage of the former is that it is free; however there are also significant advantages of the latter.
The first thing to consider is that your resignation letter can affect things, including your career. So it pays to do it right. When people are emotionally charged, sometimes this creeps into their resignation letter, and they either say things they shouldn’t, or in some way alienate themselves and/or burn bridges with the employer. And this is not a good idea, and especially when you consider that your next employer may well require references from your previous one.
And it’s also not just about making sure you don’t say the wrong thing. A well written resignation letter can also reinforce your worth, and alert the employer to the dangers of losing you. Indeed, some workers submit a resignation letters as a bargaining tool. If well-written, this can sometimes be an effective and profitable ploy.
Frequently, the best person to write a resignation letter is not yourself, but an experienced writer who can look at things more objectively from the outside, and then write the letter, professionally and diligently with your best interests in mind. Surprisingly, the cost of this is frequently less than most people realise/anticipate.
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