Monthly Archives: November 2016

Interview Preparation Tiрѕ

Most реорlе аrе terrified whеn gоing to a job interview. If уоu аrе nоt рrераrеd and feeling nеrvоuѕ, сhаnсеѕ аrе уоu wоn't get hirеd. Hоwеvеr if уоu are equipped with thе right intеrviеw рrераrаtiоn tiрѕ, your gоаlѕ and drеаm jоb.

Interview Preparation Tips and Advice

Interview Preparation is wise to do because it gives you a chance to be able to get into the head of a potential employer and ace the interview. Interviews, for a lot of people, are the hardest part of a job.

Recruitment of ex-military – are there difficulties?

As a CV writer I learned quite early, both from what landed on my desk and the conversations that were had with ex-military clients, that many commercial and public sector employers are wary of military personnel. Some very well-known companies.